What kind of lift to choose for the car services? L-205 model and its most important features.
A good lift is the basis of any car services. If you are looking for new models, be sure to pay attention to its speed, stability or lifting capacity. These parameters, among others, will determine what offer you will be able to offer your customers.
A solid lift is not only a matter of convenience, but also a matter of safety when working with vehicles of different sizes. Therefore, it is worthwhile from time to time to take a peek at new models, with a view to heavier cars and faster work.
Why exactly are we writing about it now?
Because a brand-new model of semi-automatic two-column lift L-205 has just entered our store. You have probably seen its previous version L-200 more than once. Here we have prepared a small summary for you, so that you can judge for yourself how our “fresher” looks against the “classic”.

L-205 versus L-200 – What gives you the advantage?
The L-200 is a solid design. Our customers praise it for its reliability and considerable lifting capacity (up to 4t).
“If everything was good, why change?”
Relax. We are changing, but in small steps. We don’t want to make a revolution when we know that the product works. Which doesn’t change the fact that some elements are worth improving. What specifically has changed?
Now you lift 200 kg more!
The increased lifting capacity to 4.2 tons on the L-205 is the answer to the need to handle larger SUVs, vans and heavier vehicles. You can confidently take on more demanding jobs without overloading the lift.
200 kg isn’t much? Well, you’re welcome to join us at the gym. 😉
Time is money
Every car services knows that fast equipment means more customers. The L-205 lifts vehicles 10 seconds faster (now it’s only 45 seconds, not 55 seconds as in the previous model), minimizing the time it takes to lift a car. Shorter lifting time means higher productivity and, in the end, higher profits.
Remember, it is the small changes that allow mechanics to work faster.
Stability and precision
Thanks to its symmetrical arms, the L-205 provides greater stability during lifting, which not only makes work safer, but also allows for more precise vehicle positioning.
Wider range of operation
Vehicles with a maximum width of 2,616 mm, or 116 mm wider than the previous model, can enter the L-205. More space means more flexibility, and that always means benefits!
What else is changing?
There are a few more differences in the L-205 model compared to the classic L-200. The dimensions of the lift are 3648 x 2850 mm (previously it was 3365 x 2824 mm) and the lift height, which is now 110 – 1910 mm, was previously 90 – 1930 mm.
And that’s it. I know what you may be thinking “There are not many changes here, they didn’t make a revolution…”. But keep in mind that it is the small improvements like a slightly higher lifting capacity, faster lifting times or the ability to bring in wider cars that make it happen:
– You have more selling points – the new dimensions and higher lift meet your customers’ needs better.
– You strengthen your position in the market – by offering the new L-205 model, you show that you’re keeping up with innovations, providing solutions that make car services work easier.
It’s the little things that make a difference in your everyday life. Although this sentence sounds like it was pulled out of a cheap TV commercial – it’s hard to disagree with it.

Get to know the L-205F and L-205R lifts as well!
We have also introduced the L-205F and L-205R to our store. How do they differ from the L-205?
L-205F is powered by single-phase power. You can plug it into a regular outlet – 230V is enough, you don’t need 400V.
L-205R has an additional reinforcing frame built in. As a result, it only needs 20 cm of spout (not 30 cm like previous models). So you will save money!So which one is the best? The one that suits you best. You yourself know best what your car services needs and what your capabilities are.
An investment that pays off
These lifts really make a difference on the job – they lift larger cars, work faster and provide better stability with new arms. They’re equipment that streamline everyday life in the car services, allowing you to provide a wider range of services and save time, giving you more freedom to operate and, in turn, more satisfied customers.
Go to the link and check it out for yourself